Happiness is the struggle, the pursuit, and the dream.
Find out why YOU haven’t got it yet and what you need to do to get it.
Are You Happy?’ is written for everyone who is unhappy; for everyone who has tried everything, has read every self-help book and has attempted every kind of ‘positive-thinking’ technique, mind-altering experience, ‘live-in-the-moment’ activity and desperate prayer imaginable – and who is still unhappy.
‘Are You Happy?’ presents a new definition of happiness – one that is solid, quantifiable and practical. It provides a simple recipe for happiness – no ‘hundred rules to success’ to remember here. It explains how your mind works – and how to re-balance it in order to end the bad & addictive behaviours that are holding you back. And, finally, it gives you step-by-step instructions on how to start earning your happiness today.
You’ve tried everything and nothing has worked.
Well Are You Happy? has the answers.
This introductory video will set you off onto your new journey…
into happiness.
Below you will find a link to PREVIEW the Introduction chapter of ‘Are You Happy?’ If it seems like it’s something you can sink your teeth into, well dive right in and BUY yourself a copy.
And then stay tuned! If you liked the Introduction Video above, there’s more to come. I will soon begin work on a new series of videos that will help you along in your journey.
By Lea Colleens
Are You Happy?
A guidebook to earning Happiness
First published by Lea Colleens in 2018, in Melbourne, Australia
Copyright © Lea Colleens 2018
Cover Illustration © Lea Colleens 2018
Illustrations copyright © Lea Colleens 2018
Book design & production by P Schellens & Lea Colleens
Cover design and illustrations by Calvin Tony
Layout design and typesetting by Squeezebox
Editing by Edit This and Stephanie Ayres
ISBN 978 0 6482295 1 3 (ebook)
All rights reserved. All text and images in this book are protected by Australian and International copyright laws and all related rights shall remain the exclusive property of Lea Colleens.
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior permission in writing of Lea Colleens.
The contents of this book are intended for educational and informational purposes only and must not be relied on as a substitute for obtaining your own independent professional advice tailored to your individual circumstances.
This book does not provide any medical, psychological, or psychiatric advice. While this book suggests techniques that you can adopt to become happy, not all of the techniques may be suitable for you. The author does not guarantee that by following the techniques contained in this book you will be able to achieve your desired outcome. You must seek advice from a doctor or therapist, or other appropriately qualified professional, to ensure that any techniques set out in this book are appropriate for you.
The examples provided in this book are completely fictitious and they do not bear any resemblance to any living individual, place, or real-life incidents. Any resemblance is purely coincidental and unintended. The opinions expressed in this book are those of the author and not of any association or agency, and are not meant to hurt anyone’s feelings or sentiments.
The author makes no representation as to the currency or accuracy of the contents of this book. This book is intended as a starting point only to facilitate your learning and understanding in relation to happiness.
Any reliance on the information in this book is at your own risk and you assume full responsibility for all loss resulting from your reliance.
The above disclaimers and limitations of liability are applicable to the fullest extent that is permitted by law, whether in contract, tort, statute, or otherwise.
Part I Happiness Explained
The Recipe for Happiness
Your Master Brain
Your Ego – The Devil You Know
The Power of Wandering
Who’s the Boss in Your Head?
The Fine Line between Pleasure and Pain
Bad Hombres, Nasty Women
The Unexpected Consequences of Using the Wrong Brain
Destiny and the Human Brain
Blood Is Not Thicker than Water
In the End
Are You Ready to Rumble?
Part II Instruction Guide
Drop Your Ego and Bad Habits that Make You Go Mmm…
Go Wandering
Seek Excitement
Seek Affection
Seek Good Relationships Among the Bad
Part III The End Result
Treat Earning Happiness Like a Gym Workout
Life is not about being a miserable douchebag
Get busy living in happiness, not dying in misery
Seeking Excitement: Do’s and Don’ts
Seeking Affection: Do’s and Don’ts
The End Result: Your Master Brain is Your Best Friend for Life
Let me ask you something. It’s a simple question, but it’s a question that’s led to scores of dumbfounded stares and torturous silences:
Are you happy?
Seriously! Are… you… happy?
Hesitating? ‘Yeeeaaah, but’, ‘I guess’, ‘Maybe…’, or ‘I think so?’
You think you are, but you’re not sure. Right?
Well then, next question: Do you know what will make you happy? The Simpsons? Santa Claus? A walk on the beach? Fluffy kittens? A baby’s smile? Sex? Getting wasted?
Hmmm… okay… we’re not on the same page here.
How do you know what will make you happy? How can you know what will make you happy? Gut feeling, intuition, propaganda?
Well, before you get ahead of yourself, here’s the million-dollar question: What is happiness? How can you possibly get something without knowing what it is?
Think about it for a minute. What is happiness? I bet the first answer that pops in your head will be something that ‘authorities’ dictated and propagandised with waves of their magic wands. Here’s the cream of the crop of failed options which have been sold to you over millennia:
• Contentment
• Absence of ego
• The afterlife (Mmm hmm! But we also want to be happy while we are alive!)
• A higher power
• Pleasure and meaning
• Positive thinking
• Living in the moment
• Self-esteem
• Being ‘top dog’.
Sorry to break it to you, but they’re all wrong! I know… tragic!
Think long and hard about all the ‘winning’ strategies you’ve been given by your friends, neighbours, parents, partners, colleagues, teachers, world leaders, gurus, and every other false prophet scavenging the earth’s surface. Did you think they knew shit?
I mean, have these beliefs worked for them? For you? For anyone? Is the world one big happy place?
Think again.
To be frank, it’s a straightforward question, right? It doesn’t take rocket science to figure this one out… or does it?
As you stand there reading this book, in the back of your mind you’re probably still digging your heels in, believing your life is hunky dory. Yet somehow, you’re still asking yourself the same million-dollar question over and over again, pondering, wondering. What is happiness? Am I happy?
Well, the search is over. You’ve come to the right place – and just in time!
Here’s the first little giveaway:
Happiness is a state of mind in which you have certainty of future pleasures
Or, put more simply:
Happiness is certainty of future pleasures
Do you get it?
If you work towards getting what you want in your life, then, sure, you’ll reap some rewards. Nice things like sex, love, money, wealth, time (don’t you just love that?), and success. These are the rewards and pleasures you gain throughout your life as a result of what you put into it. But they don’t in themselves bring real happiness.
Real happiness is when you are certain that a whole lot more of those rewards are on their way.
It’s that simple. So, now you know the answer, what next? A definition is cool, but where’s that gonna take us?
You’ve been told time and time again that there are certain things that ‘matter’ in life: contentment, love, helping the homeless, scoring that hot chick, getting your end-of-year bonus, graduating from university, giving thanks, Facebook likes, a new job promotion. We make believe that there is more to life than happiness, but really, everything you do is ultimately in pursuit of happiness.
You may think everything you’ve been going after and looking for will lead to happiness, but how do you really know – or will you end up settling for less than happiness?
Life doesn’t have to be a constant hamster wheel of misery and suffering, despite the fact that the device in your lounge room (called a ‘colour television’) is constantly telling you to accept life as they show it, seducing you to settle for less than happiness.
You’ve been served a repetitive cycle of rules and advice passed down through horrendously tedious, difficult, and often hard-to-comprehend doctrines that promised the Earth but never delivered. In truth, you were misguided, misinformed, and misled about happiness from the start.
It’s time to rock the boat, forget the glamourised garbage that has bombarded your brain with gimmick after gimmick of never-ending brands and status symbols endorsed by the most outstandingly hot-shit celebrities on planet Earth, dazzling you with their display of make-believe happiness; convincing you to go after everything they do, wear, act, buy, and seek, and keep on wishing to be just like them. That is not happiness. It is settling for less than happiness.
Does happiness matter to you? Because if it doesn’t, we have a problem here, Houston.
If it does, you need to know what happiness is so that you can stop going after things that won’t bring happiness. So that you never settle for less than happiness.
This book will let you go on an adventure, taking you places you’ve never before explored in the wonderful, beautiful, adventurous world of happiness.
It will show you how to earn happiness with well-structured explanations and clearly-defined instructions. But! A word of warning: This book is not for the faint-hearted. It won’t lead you by the hand. And make no mistake, you can’t simply choose or decide to be happy. You either want to earn it, or you don’t. Simple as that.
If you’re unhappy, just admit it! Stop denying that you’ve been chasing failed alternatives for years on end. This book will overturn what you’ve probably been told all your life – that the ultimate answer to happiness lies within the greatest philosophical minds of human history, from Buddha to Kim Kardashian. It hasn’t worked for you, has it?
Admit you’re unhappy. If you can’t, the only alternative is denial.
Oh! You’re still here? So, now you’re getting the mental picture, are you ready to rock and roll? You are?!
Let’s go!
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